Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mischievous Night

BBC - North Yorkshire - I Love NY - Confessions from a Mischief Night brat:

Confessions from a Mischief Night brat

Mischief Night, Yorkshire's own brand of annual chaos. In the run up to another November 4th, read this confession from one former 'Miggy Night' perpetrator. Beware, it's not for the faint-hearted...

Mischief night is definitely a Northern thing - those Southerners are far too soft for the sort of thing that goes on.

November 4th, the night before Bonfire Night, has become known as Mischief Night in Yorkshire. We're not certain of the origins of the tradition, but then who is of any tradition? What we are certain of, is what goes on.

"When I was a kid I actually thought it was legal - 'coppers can't arrest you on miggy night.' That was the folklore."
Ex-Mischief Night brat

On this evening beware, because kids across the county will run riot, dustbins will be tipped over, pets might be at risk and gates will be removed. Sounds bizarre doesn't it?

In a discussion in the BBC Radio York newsroom, it emerged that a (now reformed) 'Miggy Night' perpetrator was in our midst. Here's his confession, his identity will obviously remain a secret!

Special delivery

"From the relatively harmless knocking on doors and then running away, to putting honey on door knobs and removing house gates. What could be more fun or more dreadful than Mischievous Night, or in the local vernacular 'Miggy Night!'

"Yorkshire's own excuse, on the eve of Bonfire Night, for mayhem disguised as tradition. Why? I don't know. How it started and when? Who knows. Why only in Yorkshire? Again I don't have the answer - wish I did.

Don't get me wrong - I don't prefer the recent American interloper. Trick or Treat is just legalised and disguised begging - all treat and never a trick! But Miggy Nite?? Violent shameful chaos - seen as every kid's right.

"When I was a kid I actually thought it was legal - 'coppers can't arrest you on miggy night.' That was the folklore.

"The worst thing I ever did on this annual night of shame was to place a rather special smelly delivery in a post box, when it should have been in a toilet. Poor postman."

last updated: 31/10/06
Have Your Say
Do you have a confession about your exploits on Mischief Night? Fill in the form and we'll publish it here, providing it's not too bad...
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chelsea & becci
we silly stringed evry1 we saw and silly stringed an old man on a granny scooter n he nely fell off lmao :P

I'm not sure what they call it, but there are areas of Scotland where they have an old tradition of kids knocking on doors on Halloween and being given sweets and other treats. Maybe the American tradition was started by Scottish emigrants who carried it into their new country. Any Scots out there who know the history? I was never allowed to go out on Mischief Night as my Dad was a policeman and was worried that I would get into trouble. His parents, however, used to tell stories of how they would put a parcel in the road and wait for someone to stop and try to pick it up. They would then reel it in on the piece of string they were holding in their hiding place behind a bush or garden wall. Another of their tricks was to tie a button onto a length of thread and fasten the thread to a drawing-pin pushed into the top of the window frame. They would then hide in the darkness and tap on the window by flapping their end of the thread and try not to giggle out loud when the householder came out to investigate. Back in their childhoods (the very early 1900's) there were fewer vehicles on the roads and all window frames were made of wood. I always felt I missed out on something I should have been entitled to by not being allowed out on Mischief Night. I didn't enjoy being sent out on the morning of Nov. 5th to find our garden gates, though, and to try to find the owners of the gates left at the end of our garden path. Having just read some of the other contributions to this discussion I have to say that it seems some people have problems understanding the difference between "mischief" and "vandalism". I don't see how it can be interpreted as "fun" or "cool" to do something which could put someone (including yourself) in danger or to damage property.

man im from toronto and NO1 here does anything on mischief nite! (for us that would be on oct 30) so im gona just start/try to start the tradition here. but ppl still egg and tp other houses just not as much and not a special time on mischief nite.

Im 40 Now Oh When i remember the things >>> Ok one would be find some dog poo and wrap it in tissue or news paper, Take it near someones front door (not too Close also one of your enemies) and set it alight, Bang on the front door and retire quickly(leg it) to the Alleyway where we had a good view of our evil doings. The person would appear and automatically stamp on the news paper not knowing of the smelly Deposit hidden inside but too late a whole shoe full of neatly folded Poo would be in every crack,Tread and stitch.... If you happen to be a victim of me or my gang on West hill estate, Bridlington Please forgive me and remember one thing isnt poo supposed to be lucky ????

Im 32 and live in London. We used to empty out fireworks into a tobacco tin. Put a fuse on it and wrap it up in electrical tape. This was placed (lit) into water tanks over the local cemetary. We stopped when we totally split one wide open.

A concerned observer
surely there should be a polite society equivalent to mischievous night, something like borstal evening perhaps. All I can hope for is a good example of vigilante justice gracing the BBC news pages over the next few days, hopefully with elements of quasi-Dickensian disciplinary methods thrown in for good measure.

we in the street would select one house and cover the chimney with a bag to keep all the smoke from the coal fire escaping of course the occupants allways appeared with blackened faces mixed with red rage i never saw this as i was always running away the years when these dastardly deeds were done were 1959 to 1961, it came to a abrupt end when we were found out

All treat and never a trick, eh? In the states, Halloween is preceeded by "Moving Night", when anything not tied down might end up elsewhere, and "Soap Night" or "Chalk Night", when young people run through town writing graffiti using chalk or a cake of soap. Annoying, but harmless for the most part.

mischevos nite iz wel gud round allerton bywater we frow eggz at evr1s windows itz wel gud lol

Mischief Night was ace a group of us used to knock on neighbours doors and run away, put dog poo through letter boxes, chop down washing lines, right on car windows with lipstick and just have a good laugh doing it.

my mum told me that years ago every village(north riding)had a bonfire and mischief night was the night that rival villages would try to set light to each others' bonfire.

Sounds like an excuse for anti social behaviour, vandalism and crime - slap some ASBOS about I say.

When I lived in Mirfield (many decades ago) We tied the local bobby's doorhandle to his dustbin lid then knocked on his door, I thought I was thin enough to hide behind a lamp post! I was not as thin as I thought. Nobody down here in Portsmouth has ever heard of mischief night, which will be a relief on Nov 4th!

John Lowe
Great fun, cutting left out "clothes-lines", making fires in drain pipes from the eaves creating an enormous "bull" roar. Getting into unlocked cars and moving them as far as we could push them. 40 years ago, strong memories.

My Mum actually used to supply us with eggs to throw at the neighbours' front doors! she denies it now of course! We used to get wet loo roll and put it in door locks. Very bad kids, bad parents too.

What the hell is this 'Mischief Night'? I moved from London to Doncaster last year and had all my windows smashed, paint thrown over my car, and racial abuse. What does the police/council do? Nothing! All the street lights went off and the police didn't do f-all! This year I've had to cover up my windows, and still, the police say they can't do anything - pathetic!!

mischievious night is mint us southerners do it best lol tippin cars ova etcxxxx

katie and ken
we can remember tying two doors together n knocking on both of them then running away the people couldnt open them hee hee. then another putting cling film on a toilet seat then when people go to the toilet it would spray back up at them

We once removed a garden gate and placed it in front of somebodies front door. Oh how i miss being cool.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Goosnargh Cakes

Baking for Britain: Goosnargh Cakes from Lancashire

tasty these.

"225g unsalted butter
125g golden caster sugar (plus more for putting over biscuits)
350g plain flour
1/2 tsp ground coriander seeds
1 1/2 tsp caraway seeds

1. Preheat oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease two baking sheets.
2. Cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Sift flour over the creamed mix, add the coriander and caraway seeds, mix with wooden spoon until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
4. Using your hand work mixture together to form smooth paste. Take out of bowl and onto floured surface and knead gently so that dough is smooth and ready to roll out.
5. Roll out to about 1/4" thickness, and using a circular cutter (mine was a 2" one), cut out circular discs of dough.
6. Place the discs onto the baking sheets, and sprinkle with caster sugar.
7. Put the baking sheets into your fridge (having cleared all your chilled wine off one shelf to make room). Leave for 30 minutes/1 hour until well chilled.
8. Pop into oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until just turned golden brown. Keep an eye on them as the minute you leave the room they overcook.
9. Remove from oven and sprinkle with more caster sugar. Leave to cool slightly then transfer to a wire rack."

I used slightly less coriander, slightly less sugar in the mix and a pinch of salt. Also, lightly toasted the coriander seeds and cooked on lower heat for longer, as suggested in the comments.

Alternative recipe here...